Fasching: November 2005

German Lunch & Feast

Barony of Endless Hills, Kingdom of Æthelmearc

Fasching is the German "Carnival" in some locations it is celebrated on the same day as Mardi Gras, or at the end of what some term the Holiday Season. In other locations it is celebrated in early November at the beginning of the Holiday Season, also known as the "Fifth Season".

This feast was for the first Fasching held in the Barony of Endless Hills. It was designed to become the festival event for the Barony, with every third year to be the investiture of the new Baron and/or Baroness.

This was my second German feast.

Mittagessen - Lunch Sideboard:


Hauptspeisen - Main Course


Vorspeisen - Appetizer Course


Nachtische - Dessert Course

* The Springerle cookies are based on the information found on the website What's Cooking America. Traditional Springerle are Anise in flavored. Queen Isabeau, who was attending the event, does not like Anise so I decided to flavor it as Ginger instead.