
Honey Mustard Sauce

Source: This minced meat pie recipe was found in Ein Büch von Güter Speise, 14th century collection of German recipes.

Original Recipe: (transcribe by Hans Hajek)

Ein condimente

Mal kuͤmel vnd enys mit pfeffer vnd mit essige vnd mit honige vnd machs gel mit saffran vnd thu darzcu senff In disem condimente machtu sulcze petersilien Piren vnd clein kumpost oder ruben was du wilt.

Translation: (by Alia Atlas)

A little sauce

Grind caraway and anise with pepper, vinegar, and honey, color it yellow with saffron, and add mustard. In this sauce you can prepare jellied meat with parsley berries and some sauerkraut or turnips, anything you want.

My Interpretation:

Soak mustard seed in vinegar & water for 12-24 hours. Process in blender or food processor with remaining ingredients.


This recipe leaves a lot of room to interpretation and have seen it interpreted to make pickles. Since mustard sauces appear frequently in other contemporary culinary manuscripts to this one, I chose to interpret this as a mustard sauce.

Works Referenced:

Atlas, Alia. "Ein Buch Von Guter Spise." Directory | CS-People by Full Name. Web. 28 Apr. 2011. <>.

Adamson, Melitta Weiss. Daz Bůch [i.e. Buoch] Von Gůter [i.e. Guoter] Spise = The Book of Good Food : a Study, Edition and English Translation of the Oldest German Cookbook. Krems: Medium Aevum Quotidianum, 2000. Print.

Hajek, Hans. "Buch Von Guter Speise (um 1350)." JLU-Homepage. Web. 28 Apr. 2011.