Egg Dishes

These recipes feature the incredible edible egg.

De Saluiat

Herb Omelet

Source: Libre Del Coch

Time Period: 16th Century

Region: Catalonia (Spain)


Crustless Herb Quiche 

Source: Forme of Curye

Time Period: 14th Century

Region: England


Herb Frittata

Source: Libro de arte coquinaria

Time Period: 15th Century

Region: Italy

Harte Eyer

Seasoned Hard Boiled Eggs

Source: Ein New Kochbuch

Time Period: 16th Century

Region: Germany

Ove Plene

Cheese Stuffed Eggs

Source: Libro di cucina

Time Period: 14th Century

Region: Venice (Italy)


Poached Eggs with Ginger Custard Sauce

Source: Forme of Curye

Time Period: 14th Century

Region: England

Stuffed Eggs

Herb Stuffed Eggs

Source: An Anonymous Andalusian Cookbook of the 13th Century

Time Period: 13th Century

Region: Andalusia (Spain)

Tart in Ymber Day

Onion & Egg Pie

Source: Forme of Curye 

Time Period: 14th Century

Region: England