Specialized Ingredients

These ingredients appear often in many of the recipes found in culinary texts of Antiquity, the Middles Ages or Renaissance time periods.

Almond Milk

Almond Milk is one of the staple ingredients found in many of the recipes of the Middle Ages & Renaissance.


Fish Sauce - used primarily in Roman cuisine.

Source: De Re Coquinaria

Time Period: Antiquity

Region: Rome

Paest Royall

"Royal" Pie Crust

Source: A Proper Newe Booke of Cokerye

Time Period: 16th Century

Region: England


Raisin Wine - primarily used in Roman cuisine.

Source: De Re Coquinaria

Time Period: Antiquity

Region: Rome

Powder Douce

Sweet or Fine Spice blend

Source: Le Menagier de Paris

Time Period: 14th Century

Region: France

Powder Fort

Strong Spice Blend

Source: Libro di cucina/ Libro per cuoco

Time Period: 14th Century

Region: Italy