Poultry Dishes
These recipes feature our fowl feathered friends.
Chykenes in Grauey
Chickens in Almond Gravy
Source: Forme of Curye
Time Period: 14th Century
Region: England
Chykonys in Bruette
Chickens in Ale Broth
Source: Harleian MS. 279
Time Period: 15th Century
Region: England
Hünre in Teyge
Chicken Pastries
Source: Daz bůch von gůter spise
Time Period: 14th Century
Region: Germany
Koken wan honer
Chicken Pie
Source: Libellus de Arte Coquinaria
Time Period: 13th Century
Region: Denmark, Iceland & Low Countries (Germany)
Pollastro Arrosto
Roasted Chicken with Orange Juice Glaze
Source: Libro de arte coquinaria
Time Period: 15th Century
Region: Italy
Polli Infinocchiati
Chicken with Fennel
Source: Frammento di un libro di cucina
Time Period: 14th Century
Region: Italy
Pullus Tractogalatus
Chicken in Cream Sauce with Pasta
Source: De re culinaria
Time Period: Antiquity
Region: Rome
Suffritto de Pollastri
Soffritto of Chicken
Source: Libro de arte coquinaria
Time Period: 15th Century
Region: Italy