Pasta & Grain Dishes


Layered Sheet Pasta with Cheese & Spices

Source: Liber de Coquina

Time Period: 14th Century

Region: France


Layered Sheet Pasta with Cheese & Spices

Source: Forme of Curye

Time Period: 14th Century

Region: England

Minestra Asciutta

Dry Soup (Pasta)

Source: Liber de Coquina & Libro de arte coquinaria

Time Period: 14th & 15th Century

Region: Italy


Spinach & Chicken Ravioli

Source: Das Kochbuck der Sabina Welserin

Time Period: 16th Century

Region: Germany

Riso Nella Miglore Maniera

Rice Pudding with Almond Milk

Source: Spinach & Chicken Ravioli

Time Period: 14th Century

Region: Italy


Rice Pudding

Source: Harleian MS. 279

Time Period: 15th Century

Region: England

Ryse of Fleyshe

Saffron Rice

Source: Forme of Curye

Time Period: 14th Century

Region: England


Pasta in Broth

Source: Libro de arte coquinaria

Time Period: 15th Century

Region: Italy