
Chicken & Spinach Raviolis

Source: Das Kochbuck der Sabina Welserin, a 16th century collection of German recipes

Original Recipe:

Rabiolin zú machen

Nempt ain spinet vnnd briet jn, als welt jr ain gren kraút machen, vnnd hackens klain, nempt vngefarlich ain hendlin voll/ wen es gehackt jst/ kesß oder ain bret von ainer hennen oder kaponer, es seý gesotten oder gebratten/ so nempt des kesß 2 mall soúil als des kraúts vnnd des brets aúch als vill/ vnnd schlagt 2 oder 3 air darein vnnd macht ain fein taiglin/ thiet saltz vnd pfeffer darein/ vnnd macht ain taig mit ainem schenen mel, als welt jr ain torta machen, vnnd wen jr den platz gemacht hand, so thiet ain betzlin am ortt des blatz vnnd fúrmen es zú ainem krapffen/ vnnd trúckens an erttern woll zú/ vnnd legent es jn ain fleschbrie/ vnnd land es sieden vngeferlich wie ain lind bar air, das bret soll klaingehackt sein vnnd der kes klaingeriben.

Translation: (Translated by Valoise Armstrong)

To make ravioli

Take spinach and blanch it as if you were making cooked spinach, and chop it small. Take approximately one handful, when it is chopped, cheese or meat from a chicken or capon that was boiled or roasted. Then take twice as much cheese as herb, or of chicken an equal amount, and beat two or three eggs into it and make a good dough, put salt and pepper into it and make a dough with good flour, as if you would make a tart, and when you have made little flat cakes of dough then put a small ball of filling on the edge of the flat cake and form it into a dumpling. And press it together well along the edges and place it in broth and let it cook about as long as for a soft-boiled egg. The meat should be finely chopped and the cheese finely grated.

My Interpretation:

Thaw spinach and drain. Combine spinach, chicken, cheese, egg, salt, and pepper to make filling. Place a teaspoon of filling in ravioli wrapper. Moisten edges of wrapper and press close to seal. Cook raviolis in chicken broth 5 minutes. Garnish with fresh baby spinach to serve.


    • The use of ravioli (or other pasta sheets) allow this dish to stand up to being cooked in the broth.

    • Munster cheese was chosen for this recipe as it originates from the Alsace Region which was part of the Holy Roman Empire, Germany, during the 16th century).


Welserin Sabina Das Kochbuch der Sabina Welserin [Book]/ ed. Stopp Hugo.- Heidelberg: Carl Winter Universitätsverlag, 1553.- 1980: p. 173.- A Transliteration and translation of the 16th century German cooking

manuscript..- ISBN 3-533-02905-0.

"Das Kochbuch Der Sabina Welserin." Recreational Medievalism. Trans. Valoise Armstrong. David D. Friedman, 29 Oct. 1998. Web. 27 Sept. 2012. <http://daviddfriedman.com/Medieval/Cookbooks/Sabrina_Welserin.html>.

Welserin, Sabina. "Das Kochbuch Der Sabina Welserin (c. 1553)." Monumenta Culinaria Et Diaetetica Historica. Thomas Gloning, 26 Aug. 2006. Web. 27 Sept. 2012. <http://www.uni-giessen.de/gloning/tx/sawe.htm>

"Munster (cheese)." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 10 Feb. 2012. Web. 04 Oct. 2012. <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Munster_(cheese)>