Polli Infinocchiati

Chicken with Fennel

Source: Frammento di un libro di cucina del sec. XIV, 14th century.

Original Recipe:

Polli infinocchiate

Togli li polli, ismembrali, falli soffrigere e quando sonno sofritti, si vi metti acqua, quella che ti piace; poi togli le barbe dei finocchi, barbe di petroselli e mandorle che non siano monde et queste cose fa vene macinare e stemperare con l’acqua di questi polli e fae bollire ogni cosa e colale con stamigna. Metti con questi polli e mettivi le migliori spezie che si possono avere.


Translation: (from The Medieval Kitchen: Recipes from France and Italy)

Fenneled chicken

Take the chickens, cut them up, fry them, and when they are fried add the quantity of water you prefer; then take “beards” of fennel, “beards” of parsley, and almonds that have not been skinned; and chop these things well, mix them with the liquid from the chickens, and boil everything, then pass through a sieve. Add it to the chickens and add the best spice you can get.

My Interpretation:

Brown chicken in oil in skillet on both sides. Add water until chicken is just covered add almonds, fennel and parsley greens. Cook for about 45 minutes until chicken is done. Place chicken on serving dish and sprinkle with spices

Works Referenced:

The Medieval Kitchen: Recipes from France and Italy; Odile Redon, Françoise Sabban, & Silvano Serventi, translated to the English by Edward Schneider; The University of Chicago Press, 1998