Melee Madness: June 2005
German Lunch & Feast
Barony of Endless Hills, Kingdom of Æthelmearc
Melee Madness, as the name implies, is an event filled with martial activities. It is the oldest event hosted on an annual basis by the Barony of Endless Hills dating from the time it was a Shire in the East Kingdom.
This was my first German feast.
Vorspeisen - Appetizer Course
Gebraten Milch - Roasted Milk (Grilled Cheese)
Cucummern – Cucumber Salad
Brote & Butter - Bread & Butter
Hauptspeisen - Main Course
Hünre und Lachs in Teyge– Chicken & Salmon Pastries
Rabiolin – Chicken & Spinach Raviolis
Gút Lembratten mit Agraz - Roasted Lamb with Verjuice Sauce
Brat Ruben – Fried Root Vegetables
Gruen FeldtSalat mit Harte Eyer – Green Field Salad with Seasoned Hard Boiled Eggs
Brote & Butter - Bread & Butter
Nachtische - Dessert Course
Epffelbolster – Apple Pillows (Fried Battered Apples)
Schne – Snow (Whipped Cream)
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