Salçero para Perdius o Gallines en Ast

Almond & Pomegranate Sauce

Source: Libre Del Coch, Mestre Robert, cook to ‘don Ferrando de Napols’ Catalan, 16th century.[1]

Original Recipe[2]:

Salçero para Perdius o Gallines en Ast

Ametles belles e blanques pendràs e picar-les has bé en un morter. E quant sien ben picades, destempra-les ab suc de magranes agres. E après met in lo morter sucre polvorizat, canyella e gingembre, perquè la sua color e sabor vol tirar casi canyella. E no la cal passar per nengun cedàç. E vet así tot fet.

Translation: (by Robin Carroll-Mann)[3]

Sauce for Spit-Roast Partridges and Hens

Take fine white almonds and grind them well in a mortar. And when they are well pounded, blend with the juice of sour pomegranates. Then add to the mortar powdered sugar, cinnamon and ginger, because in the colour and flavour cinnamon should predominate. And this sauce does not need to be strained.

My Interpretation:

½ cup Blanched Almonds, grounded

½ cup Pomegranate Juice

1 Tbsp. Granulated Sugar

1 Tbsp. Ground Cinnamon

1 Tsp. Powdered Ginger

1 cup Water

Blend all ingredients together in blender. Add additional water to thin.

Works Referenced:

The Medieval Kitchen: Recipes from France and Italy; Odile Redon, Françoise Sabban, & Silvano Serventi, translated to the English by Edward Schneider; The University of Chicago Press, 1998

Nola, Maseter Ruperto de An English translation of Ruperto de Nola's "Libre del Coch" by Lady Brighid ni Chiarain. [Online] // Stefan's Florilegium / ed. Carroll-Mann Robin. - 2001. - May 29, 2009. - -

Nola, Master Ruperto de Libro de Cozina [Book] / ed. Cuenca Vincent F. / trans. Cuenca Vincent F.. - 1529 (translation 2001). - A full English Translatin with Commentary of Master Ruperto de Nola's Libro de Cozina.

Nola, Rupert de Lybre de doctrina Pera ben Servir: de Tallar: y del Art de Coch [Online] // Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes. - Fundació Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes. - August 18, 2014. -

Nola, Rupert de Libre De Doctrina per a Ben Servir, De Tallar Y Del Art De Coch F. XXIIIr. Digital image. Biblioteca Virtual Miguel De Cervantes. Fundación Biblioteca Virtual Miguel De Cervantes, 2000. Web. 18 Aug. 2014. Digitized image of folio XXIIIr of Rupert de Nola's 1520 book reprinted in 1988 by Ediciones Histórico Artísticas.

End Notes:

[1] (Nola, 1520 & 1988)

[2] The shorthand notations as shown in the image from the manuscript have been expanded out in the transcription.

[3] (Carroll-Mann, 2001)