Panades de Sucre fi

Pastries of Fine Sugar

Source: Libre Del Coch, Mestre Robert, cook to ‘don Ferrando de Napols’ Catalan, 15th century.[1]

Original Recipe[2]:

De panades de sucre fi

Ametles prendras vna liura e faras les blanques e netes: e pica les en exut sens metrey gens de aygua: ni brou de manera que tornen ben olioses que quant mes olioses son mes valen: e apres pendras vna liura e mija de sucre blanch ben poluorizat e mesclau ales ametles ensemps e quant sia tot picat e ben mesclat si era massa dur ablaniras ho ab vna poca de aygua ros e com sia vn poch ablanit salpicau ab vn poch de gingebre ara coneguda empero que sie picat: e apres pendras pasta que sie de farina e pasta la ab bons ous: e oli dolç que sia fi: e apres de aquesta pasta fer ne has algunes poques e vmpla les dela pasta de sucre e deles ametles: e apres pendras oli que sia fi e met lo al foch en vna cassola e quant bullira metras hi dintre del oli de aquelles panades e faras per manera que bullen alli tant que prenguen color de or: e quant les leuaras del foch met hi damunt mel fusa: e apres sucre e canyella poluorizat damunt la mel e les panades.

Translation: (by Robin Carroll-Mann) [2]:

Pastries of Fine Sugar

You must take a pound of peeled almonds and grind them dry without casting any water or broth on them so that they will become very oily, because the oilier they are the better they will be. And then take a pound and a half of white sugar that has been pulverized. And mix it well with the almonds. And when everything is well-mixed and ground, if it should be very hard, soften it with a little rosewater. And when the dough has been softened a little, dust a little ginger over it, at your discretion, well-ground. And then take dough made from flour and knead it with good eggs and sweet fine oil. And from this dough make tortillas, or empanadillas, or spiral cakes. And fill them with said dough. And then put a casserole on the fire with good sweet oil. And when it boils cast in these empanadillas. And cook them until they turn yellow like the color of gold. And when you take them from the fire, cast liquefied honey on top. And upon the honey, [cast] sugar and cinnamon.

My Interpretation:

1 package Pot sticker Wrappers

¼ cup butter

4 oz. Honey

1 cup almond paste

1 Tbsp. Rose Water

1½ cups plus 1 Tbsp. Sugar

1 Tbsp. Cinnamon

Oil for Frying

Combine 1 Tbsp. sugar & cinnamon, set aside. Combine Rose Water, almond paste and remaining sugar and stir until smooth. Place 1 tsp. of almond mixture in wrapper, seal with water to close. Deep fry in oil until golden. Melt honey & butter together. Brush on top of fried pastries and sprinkle with cinnamon sugar

Works Referenced:

The Medieval Kitchen: Recipes from France and Italy; Odile Redon, Françoise Sabban, & Silvano Serventi, translated to the English by Edward Schneider; The University of Chicago Press, 1998

Nola, Maseter Ruperto de An English translation of Ruperto de Nola's "Libre del Coch" by Lady Brighid ni Chiarain. [Online] // Stefan's Florilegium / ed. Carroll-Mann Robin. - 2001. - May 29, 2009. - -

Nola, Master Ruperto de Libro de Cozina [Book] / ed. Cuenca Vincent F. / trans. Cuenca Vincent F.. - 1529 (translation 2001). - A full English Translatin with Commentary of Master Ruperto de Nola's Libro de Cozina.

Nola, Rupert de Lybre de doctrina Pera ben Servir: de Tallar: y del Art de Coch [Online] // Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes. - Fundació Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes. - August 18, 2014. -

Nola, Rupert de Libre De Doctrina per a Ben Servir, De Tallar Y Del Art De Coch F. XXXIv. Digital image. Biblioteca Virtual Miguel De Cervantes. Fundación Biblioteca Virtual Miguel De Cervantes, 2000. Web. 18 Aug. 2014. Digitized image of folio XXXIv of Rupert de Nola's 1520 book reprinted in 1988 by Ediciones Histórico Artísticas.

End Notes:

[1] (Nola, 1520 & 1988)

[2] The shorthand notations as shown in the image from the manuscript have been expanded out in the transcription.

[3] (Carroll-Mann, 2001)