Higos ala Francesa
French Figs
Source: Libre Del Coch, Mestre Robert, cook to ‘don Ferrando de Napols’ Catalan, 15h century.[1]
Original Recipe: [2]
Comer higos a la Francesa
Tomar higos passados los mas melados que pudieres auer negros/ & blancos: & quitarles el peçon & lauarlos con buen vino blanco que sea dulce: y desque esten muy bien limpios: toma vna caçuela que sea algun tanto grande y de tierra/que tenga el suelo llano: y echalos dentro meneandolos vn poco: y despues ponesta caçuela sobre las brasas: & bien atapada de manera que se estufen alli. & quando esten estofadas: & se aura embeuido enellas toda la humidad del vino menearlas vn poco: y echales salsa fina encima: & tornalas a menear de manera que le encorpore enellas aquella salsa. Y despues comer este manjar: y es gentil cosa: & quierese comer al principio de mesa.
Translation: (by Robin Carroll-Mann)[3]
To eat figs in the French manner
Take dried figs, the sweetest that you can get, black and white, and remove the stems and wash them with good white wine which is sweet; and when they are very well-cleaned, take an earthenware casserole which is big enough, which has a flat bottom, and cast them inside, stirring them a little; and then put this casserole upon the coals, and well-covered in a manner that it is stewed there. And when they are stewed, and they will have absorbed all of the moisture of the wine, stir them a little, and cast fine spice on top of them; and turn them, stirring in a manner that incorporates that spice in them; and then eat this food; and it is an elegant thing; and it should be eaten at the beginning of the meal.
My Interpretation:
1 package dried figs (6 oz.)
2 cup sweet white wine (Muscato)
¼ tsp. Ground Cinnamon
¼ tsp. Powdered Ginger
Remove stems from figs and place in covered casserole with wine. Bake at 325°F for 45 minutes, until all moisture from wine is absorbed. Sprinkle with spices and serve.
My appreciation to Emilio Szabo & Brighid ni Chiarain for proofreading my transcription.
Works Referenced:
Nola, Maseter Ruperto de An English translation of Ruperto de Nola's "Libre del Coch" by Lady Brighid ni Chiarain. [Online] // Stefan's Florilegium / ed. Carroll-Mann Robin. - 2001. - May 29, 2009. - http://www.florilegium.org/?http%3A//www.florilegium.org/files/FOOD-MANUSCRIPTS/Guisados1-art.html. - http://www.florilegium.org/?http%3A//www.florilegium.org/files/FOOD-MANUSCRIPTS/Guisados2-art.html.
Nola, Master Ruperto de Libro de Cozina [Book] / ed. Cuenca Vincent F. / trans. Cuenca Vincent F.. - 1529 (translation 2001). - A full English Translatin with Commentary of Master Ruperto de Nola's Libro de Cozina.
Nola, Rupert de. Libro De Guisados. Logroño: Miguel De Eguia, 1529. Libro De Guisados. Gobierno De Navarra. Web. 7 June 2011. <http://www.navarra.es/appsext/bnd/GN_Ficheros_PDF_Binadi.aspx?Fichero=BCC001198-7-180000000000000000410.pdf>.
Nola, Rupert de Lybre de doctrina Pera ben Servir: de Tallar: y del Art de Coch [Online] // Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes. - Fundació Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes. - August 18, 2014. - http://www.cervantesvirtual.com/obra-visor/libre-de-doctrina-per-a-ben-servir-de-tallar-y-del-art-de-coch-transcripcio--0/html/ff1e2444-82b1-11df-acc7-002185ce6064_2.html#I_102_.
Nola, Rupert de Libre De Doctrina per a Ben Servir, De Tallar Y Del Art De Coch F. XXVr. Digital image. Biblioteca Virtual Miguel De Cervantes. Fundación Biblioteca Virtual Miguel De Cervantes, 2000. Web. 18 Aug. 2014. http://www.cervantesvirtual.com/obra-visor/libre-de-doctrina-per-a-ben-servir-de-tallar-y-del-art-de-coch--1/html/ff1de6be-82b1-11df-acc7-002185ce6064_51.html. Digitized image of folio XXVr of Rupert de Nola's 1520 book reprinted in 1988 by Ediciones Histórico Artísticas.
End Notes:
[1] (Nola, 1529)
[2] The shorthand notations as shown in the image from the manuscript have been expanded out in the transcription.
[3] (Carroll-Mann, 2001)